Frederick Presbyterian Church (USA), located in downtown historic Frederick at 115 West Second Street, is a congregation committed to alive, participatory worship; local and world-wide missions; and opportunities for all ages to grow.

As followers of Christ, we seek to create a community that welcomes all. No matter your race or ethnicity, your gender identity or sexual orientation, your age, marital status, politics, or economic status, we welcome you—where you are, as you are. (More)

Sunday Worship at FPC

We welcome you!

Our in-person and virtual Sunday Worship services are both at 10:30 am. We welcome children to all Worship services! For those who prefer, childcare is available for babies through age 5 years.

Attend Worship Virtually Access Worship Guide

Coming Up!

Sunday School for All Ages–Including Adults! Sundays at 9:30 am. Kids’ classes meet according to age and grade in school. Adults meet in the Manse for the Wired Word, a discussion about current events and issues of faith.

Thinking about joining FPC? Got questions about our church community? Come learn more about FPC at classes for new members on Sundays February 2 and 9 at 9:30 am. For more information contact Pastor Eric or Elder Rebecca Layman.

Youth Fellowship Babysitting Fundraiser. Saturday, February 8, from 4 to 7 pm. The FPC youth group are raising funds for the summer service trip. Bring the kids for dinner and games! $25 for the first child and $15 for each additional sibling.

*New Date!* Ladies Paint and Praise. Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm. We’ll gather at the Dingman house for an afternoon of fellowship and artistic expression. Be sure to sign up by Thursday, January 23, to reserve your spot!

Job Opening

Part-time Nursery Assistant. Sunday mornings year round, for a minimum of two hours (10 am to noon). Pay starts at $18.00/hour. Must be at least 18; childcare experience is a plus. Selected candidate will undergo a background check, in keeping with FPC’s Safe Sanctuary Policy. Questions? Want to apply? E-mail Kyle Hegamyer at