Worship » Music

Music gives voice to our faith. At FPC, music is integral to our worship. We are a singing congregation, voicing our praises and laments, our thanksgivings and our sorrows. Our music program offers opportunities for singers and instrumentalists of all ages and talents. With the exception of our instrumental ensemble, no prior musical experience is required to participate – contact Brian Bartoldus at music@frederickpresbyterian.org to learn more!

Our Ensembles

Sanctuary Choir – The Sanctuary Choir leads congregational song and sings weekly anthems throughout the church year. Rehearsals are Thursday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

Festival Choir – The Festival Choir joins forces with the Sanctuary Choir four times a year for major holidays and special occasions. Singers join the Festival Choir on a project basis – a great option for interested singers who cannot make a full-year commitment!

Handbell Choir – Our handbell ringers supplement hymns and provide meditations during worship, as well as perform throughout the Frederick community. Rehearsals are Tuesday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

Celebration Singers (K-2nd), Praise Musicians (3rd-6th), and Youth Ensemble (7th-12th) – Our three youth ensembles sing, drum, and ring handbells for various occasions.

Instrumental Ensemble – FPC is blessed to have several instrumentalists in our congregation who offer their talents as soloists, or accompanying one of our other ensembles. Various instrumental groups form on an ad hoc basis for holidays and other special occasions. Contact Brian Bartoldus at music@frederickpresbyterian.org to learn more.

Our Organ

The M.P. Möller Company built our current pipe organ in 1955, replacing an older 19th century instrument by the same company. In 2017, Orgues Létourneau undertook renovations, rebuilding the console and as well as expanding and revoicing the pipework. Our 21 rank, 2 manual organ serves to lead our hymnody, accompany choirs and instrumentalists, and concertize both inside and outside of worship.